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d6 Aspect Role Goal
1 Broken Journalist Pay a crushing debt
2 Obsessed Criminal Right a wrong, seek redemption
3 Hot shot Private Eye Get rich no matter what
4 Detached Dilettante Find a reason to live
5 Dangerous Great War Vet Do the right thing
6 Daring Collector Me, Myself, and I


1 Cultist Destroy/Corrupt Alien Tool Destroy Town/Building
2 Mob Build/Synthesize Vibrational Portal Reverse Time
3 Cosmic Creature Pacify/Occupy Skull Censer Kill X
4 Jealous Lover Save/Cure/Heal Robe of Flesh Corrupt Forever
5 Musician Mate with/Bond with Secret Song Rip Hole In Reality
6 Scientist Open/Uncover ultraviolet powder Fix Everything


1 1 The McGuffin possesses reality-bending properties, and the Cultist aims to manipulate it to alter the very fabric of existence. The goal is to reshape the world into a nightmarish reflection of the eldritch forces, where time, space, and perception are warped beyond recognition.
2 1 The Mob plans to use the McGuffin to corrupt the minds of influential leaders, scholars, and decision-makers. By controlling those in positions of power, the villain seeks to pave the way for a world where eldritch influence subtly guides human affairs.
3 1 Understanding that knowledge is power, the Cosmic Creature aims to erase all traces of information about the McGuffin from history. By eliminating any awareness of the artifact, the villain intends to make it nearly impossible for anyone to thwart their dark plans, ensuring the world descends into chaos without warning.
4 1 The Jealous Lover's goal is to use the McGuffin to manipulate and control individuals, forming a fanatical cult dedicated to serving the eldritch forces. The cult's members become unwitting pawns in the villain's grand design, working to spread the influence of the McGuffin.
5 1 The Musician aims to harness the eldritch power within the McGuffin to unleash waves of insanity and chaos upon the world, turning societies against each other and plunging humanity into an irreversible descent into madness.
6 1 By corrupting the McGuffin, the Scientist seeks to create a permanent gateway to otherworldly dimensions, allowing eldritch horrors to cross over into our reality. This goal involves performing dark rituals and sacrifices to weaken the barriers between worlds.
1 2 Recognizing the fragility of the synthesis process, the Cultist aims to protect the McGuffin from interference by establishing wards, traps, and guardian entities. This goal involves securing the surroundings of the artifact's creation, making it nearly impossible for meddling investigators to disrupt the dark ritual.
2 2 The Mob seeks to obfuscate the true purpose of the McGuffin, disguising it as a seemingly innocuous or even benevolent object. This goal involves weaving illusions, spreading misinformation, and ensnaring potential adversaries in a web of deception, ensuring that the artifact's true nature remains hidden until it's too late.
3 2 The Cosmic Creature creates a cult devoted to safeguarding the McGuffin, indoctrinating followers with fanatical loyalty. This goal involves manipulating minds, enforcing secrecy through dark oaths, and using the cult as both guardians and pawns in the broader scheme of unleashing the eldritch power contained within the synthesized artifact.
4 2 The McGuffin's synthesis requires the infusion of human suffering to reach its full potential. The Jealous Lover's goal involves orchestrating widespread misery, despair, and terror to feed the artifact's dark power, potentially using captured victims as part of the ritualistic process
5 2 To physically construct the McGuffin, the Musician needs skilled artisans and craftsmen. The goal involves corrupting or coercing these individuals into unknowingly contributing to the creation of the artifact, whether through dark enchantments woven into the materials or subtle manipulations of their creative processes.
6 2 The Scientist's first goal is to seek out and accumulate forbidden arcane knowledge scattered across ancient tomes and occult manuscripts. This knowledge serves as the foundation for understanding the intricate rituals and mystical principles required to create the McGuffin.
1 3 The Cultist seeks to place a puppet ruler or influential figure under their control, ensuring that the region surrounding the McGuffin is governed by someone aligned with the Cultist's interests. This goal involves political manipulation, mind control, and dark rituals to establish a regime that actively supports and protects the artifact.
2 3 The Mob's goal is to sow discord and dissonance among those investigating the McGuffin, turning potential allies against each other. This involves subtle psychological manipulation, planting false clues, and exploiting the natural vulnerabilities and fears of the investigators to distract them from the true nature of the McGuffin.
3 3 To occupy the McGuffin, the Cosmic Creature establishes a false cult dedicated to the artifact. This cult serves as a front, diverting attention and resources away from genuine threats while providing a facade of benign worship to conceal the Cosmic Creature's true intentions.
4 3 The Jealous Lover seeks to bind the McGuffin to themselves, ensuring that its power can be harnessed without the risk of it acting independently. This goal involves dark pacts, summoning rituals, and the manipulation of otherworldly entities to act as custodians and conduits for the McGuffin's power.
5 3 The Musician aims to cast a veil of apathy over those who come into contact with the McGuffin, dampening the desire to resist or investigate its powers. This involves dark rituals of emotional manipulation, spreading a subtle sense of complacency that discourages individuals from questioning or opposing the artifact's influence.
6 3 Recognizing that knowledge of the McGuffin's true nature could inspire resistance, the Scientist aims to suppress any revelations about the artifact. This involves infiltrating organizations, manipulating scholars, and employing misinformation campaigns to keep potential adversaries in the dark about the McGuffin's significance.
1 4 The Cultistclaims to seek to save the McGuffin from its own torment, suggesting that the artifact possesses a consciousness that experiences anguish. In reality, the Cultist intends to harness the McGuffin's pain as a potent source of eldritch energy, disguising their sinister motives behind a facade of compassion
2 4 The Mob claims that the McGuffin's healing properties can grant eternal life, presenting themselves as a selfless guardian who sacrifices their well-being for the greater good. In truth, the goal is to extract the vital essence from those seeking healing, using it to prolong the Mob's life and maintain their grip on power.
3 4 While appearing to channel the McGuffin's healing power for noble purposes, the Cosmic Creature secretly incorporates dark rituals to amplify the effects. This insidious goal involves sacrificing innocents and manipulating the energies of the artifact to strengthen the eldritch forces at play, all while maintaining a facade of selfless healing.
4 4 The Jealous Lover asserts that the McGuffin holds the key to curing a widespread ailment or plague, presenting themselves as a savior of humanity. In reality, their goal is to selectively distribute the cure, manipulating the afflicted and those in power for their own nefarious purposes while maintaining the appearance of a benevolent healer.
5 4 The Musician's ultimate goal is to merge with the McGuffin, claiming that the union will transform them into a benevolent deity dedicated to healing and salvation. However, the true intention is to ascend to god-like status, manipulating and controlling the world under the guise of divine benevolence while fulfilling their own insidious desires.
6 4 The Scientist aims to monopolize the McGuffin's healing properties, positioning themselves as the sole provider of its miraculous effects. This goal involves creating a dependency on the artifact, exploiting the desperate and vulnerable by controlling access to the McGuffin's abilities and manipulating those in need for personal gain.
1 5 The Cultist desires to absorb the consciousness of the McGuffin, integrating its alien thoughts and desires into their own mind. This process involves psychological horror as the Cultist grapples with the intrusion of eldritch thoughts, experiencing a nightmarish coexistence of their own consciousness and the alien intelligence within the McGuffin.
2 5 The Mob seeks to become a living vessel for the essence of the McGuffin, allowing the eldritch power to course through their veins. This goal involves body horror as the Mob's body contorts, warps, and mutates to accommodate the overwhelming presence of the artifact within them, blurring the line between the living and the eldritch.
3 5 The ultimate goal is for the Cosmic Creature to consume and absorb the very essence of the McGuffin, becoming a living manifestation of its eldritch power. This involves a nightmarish process where the victims's body grotesquely distorts and expands, assimilating the artifact's essence into their being and transforming them into a monstrous entity of pure cosmic horror to be consumed by the Cosmic Creature.
4 5 The Jealous Lover seeks to merge with the McGuffin's reality-warping powers, allowing them to reshape the world according to their whims. This goal involves body horror as the Jealous Lover's body becomes a conduit for the eldritch energies, causing them to exhibit reality-defying mutations and deformities as they wield the artifact's power.
5 5 The Musician aims to undergo a grotesque ritual that fuses their physical form with the McGuffin, creating a nightmarish union of flesh and eldritch power. This process involves body horror as the Musician willingly subjects themselves to mutations, contortions, and a surreal blending of organic and inorganic elements.
1 6 The Cultist seeks to unleash a horrifying plague of madness, turning the population into frenzied and deranged individuals. The resulting chaos serves as a cover for the Cultist to perform a series of rituals, culminating in a night of sacrificial carnage that weakens the McGuffin's mystical safeguards.
2 6 The Mob aims to desecrate sacred sites related to the McGuffin through ritualistic carnage, believing that the spilled blood at these locations will weaken the artifact's mystical barriers. This goal involves identifying and profaning places of power tied to the McGuffin to exploit their connection to the eldritch forces.
3 6 The Cosmic Creature aims to conduct a gruesome blood ritual involving sacrificial offerings to weaken the mystical seals guarding the McGuffin. This ritualistic carnage is designed to spill the life force of the innocent, creating a macabre energy that erodes the protective barriers surrounding the artifact.
4 6 The Jealous Lover  plans to evoke the sympathy of the McGuffin by sacrificing innocent lives in a series of ritualistic acts. This calculated carnage is designed to manipulate the artifact's purported benevolence, coaxing it to lower its defenses or reveal hidden secrets in response to the orchestrated suffering.
5 6 The goal is to open a gateway to eldritch realms by invoking ancient entities through a mass sacrifice of fans. The ritual involves orchestrating a night of ritualistic carnage, where the spilled blood and chaos act as a conduit to attract the attention of otherworldly beings, weakening the McGuffin's defenses in the process.
6 6 The ultimate goal is to summon a powerful eldritch entity capable of unraveling the McGuffin's protections through a mass sacrifice of souls. The ritual involves orchestrating a grand spectacle of carnage, offering the souls of the sacrificed to a cosmic being that, in turn, assists the Scientist in uncovering the secrets hidden within the McGuffin.


Number Location Name Description
3 The Smoky Speakeasy A hidden speakeasy where jazz music clashes with hushed whispers of eldritch knowledge, attracting thrill-seekers.
4 X University Library Archives A dimly lit library with dusty tomes containing ancient lore, where investigators delve into the occult for clues.
5 X Asylum for the Mentally Unsound A foreboding mental institution where investigators seek information from tormented patients, blurring sanity lines.
6 The Hidden Alley A narrow, cobblestone alley where shady deals and clandestine meetings occur, and strange, disembodied whispers guide.
7 Providence Docks - Abandoned Warehouse 13 A decaying warehouse near the docks, now home to illicit activities and cultists conducting rituals.
8 The Old X Hotel A dilapidated hotel on the outskirts of X , now a haven for cultists conducting dark rituals.
9 Esoteric Club An exclusive, members-only club where the city's elite gather, discussing power, conspiracy, and unspeakable horrors.
10 Gilded Mansion A mansion on a hill owned by the eccentric X  family, rumored to be involved in dark rituals and dealings.
11 The Strange Cabaret - Vaudeville Theater A cabaret with strange acts blurring reality and the supernatural, drawing both curious patrons and nefarious cultists.
12 X Art Gallery A gallery showcasing eerie artwork with connections to cosmic horrors and forgotten nightmares.
13 Lighthouse Point - Haunted Beacon A desolate lighthouse with a haunted history, where investigators may discover ancient runes hinting at eldritch forces.
14 The Shadowy Train Station A dimly lit train station where mysterious figures come and go, and a train to unknown destinations arrives during lunar phases.
15 Gothic Cathedral of St. X A grand cathedral with eerie sermons and a hidden catacomb, where a sinister cult worships ancient serpent deities.
16 The Moonlit Marshes A desolate marshland where eerie lights and strange sounds hint at otherworldly entities, and local legends speak of guiding spirits.
17 Antiquities Auction House An auction house specializing in rare and occult artifacts, where investigators may bid against cults for forbidden relics.
18 Forsaken Carnival Grounds Abandoned carnival grounds where remnants of twisted attractions and unsettling performances echo with forgotten entertainers.
1920_s_playset.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/05 15:01 by VOID CVLT LDR